Please! I really need to know these things!!!

I know most of you see pleading journals to get you to read their stuff and give them comments and blah blah blah. Well, I'm sorta, in a way, doing the same thing. Just without the pleading.
I've got two main stories that are my priority and the best I have, right now. They're called 'The Treaty' and 'You Can't Stall What's Meant To Be'. The second one has NOTHING to do with romance and I don't think it will turn into a romance. It's about a psychopathic murderer who's after the main character. He tried to get her once, but some how got sent to jail before he could kill her. Now he's after her just to prove that he CAN kill her.
The Treaty is about a rape victom and her struggles with her rapist and herself.
I'm not going to beg for you to read them and comment. I'm just going to say that I'd GREATLY appreciate it if you did. I don't care if they're good or bad. I just want to know what people think of my story. :)
November 5th, 2008 at 01:38am