A good friend once said...

"You've got to be a very happy person to not care if people hate you"

This got me thinking, I couldn't actually care less if people hate me, whats the worst that will happen?

This might be because, if people hate [probably a strong word, but we're going with it] me, i usually hate them too, so ts a mutual feeling. Nothing wrong with that is there?

It might be because, if they do hate me, i dont know about it, Therefore there's nothing bothering me. Dont bother me with your hating, and i won't care less (:

Also, if i know that people hate me, it doesnt bother me for long. I get over things surprisingly quickly. I might care at first but, after a while i couldnt care less.

It's the same with guys and break ups. its like
"hey, youre dumped"
"ah shit, thats a bummer"
"dont hate me"
"okay i dont"
-2 days later-
"YAAAAAY IZ HAPPY, what? somone broke up with me?"

btw guys i recommend this video
its meine bruder dancing, its good, watch goiys (:
November 5th, 2008 at 07:36pm