
Hey people of Mibba I know I am a horrible person for not being as commited to this as I should so here I go!

Obama is going to be the new President! Yeay But why is it that people are acting like the election is still taking place. At my school I have been confronted over and over on who did I vote for and it better have been for Obama. Fyi I am not old enough to vote and second even if I have I couldn't change it and wouldn't for someelse's opinion. This is america were people should have the freedom from conviction to believe a certian way right! Also people are acting like fools yelling in the halls OBAMA over and over! I am sometimes wierd like that but I don't repeat over and over again!

If any of you haven't noticed I am in dire need of a MONSTER right about now!!!!!! I haven't had a monster in 5 days!!!!!!! That is CRAZY!!!!

I am excited to say that the PHILLIES WON THE WORLD SERIES!!!!! tho the other team had no chance.

Also I declare I am now in need of a boyfriend and have a writer's block for all of my stories.... sad sad....
Why is it that I can not write anything w/o having a boyfriend???? I guess I am not creative enough like many of my mibba friends out there *wink* but seriously is there a way to stop this annoying wirter's block???

Okay I think I am done.... lol please comment!!!
November 6th, 2008 at 02:25am