Kevin Jonas.

So, yeahh.
this man is so unbelievably amazing.
everything he does for people and everything he's done for me.
Even though he "only" plays guitar, (his choice, though he has the voice of an angel.) and is in the back he is no less important then his brothers.
21 years ago this amazing man was born. singing his whole life. once he learned to play guitar, which is an amazing story in itself, he decided thats what he loved to do. he could easily outshine his brothers but he isnt like that.
this man is beautiful, to say the least. he is unbelievable. trying to find the perfect word is a waste of time because its never going to happen. THERE IS NO WORD TO DESCRIBE HIM. he is a hero. he is "quite fantastic". he looks out for people and cares for people. he reaches out to his fans. and even though people have more then not so nice words to say about him (and his brothers) he doesnt let it get to him. THE FIRES IN HIS HEART, his enormous heart.
He has changed the world, just by being here.
by living his life to the fullest, he saved mine. i owe him everything i have and more.

you are so spectacular.

thank you for everything you have ever done.
November 7th, 2008 at 02:07am