Please Help, bad guy problem.

I have a problem and I need some advice. I feel trapped in a relationship with a guy I don't love and here's the background information..

I have been dating this guy for a couple of weeks now. I didn't want to in the first place but he kept bothering me about it and got depressed when I said no. So I finally said yes and I didn't know what I was getting into. At first he seems like an okay guy and I don't mean to say that he's not but he is extremely mature. I mean I don't feel like I could ever joke around him or have fun you know? I mean I like to joke around and have fun every once and a while and with him I don't feel like I could.
He doesn't drive so that puts pressure on me because if I ever want him to go somewhere with me, I'd have to pick him up. But those things are petty compared to what's been going on with him...
Apparently his parents are divorced and he lives with his mother. He has issues from that because his mother, from what I'm piecing together, despises him because he's like his father in some ways. He has panic attacks and flips out every once and a while on me because he needs to know that someone loves I said, his mother doesn't really give him any emotional support at all. He's had a rough few weeks from his mom recently and I've had to reassure him and try to get him out of his panic spells. He talked about overdosing on pills and I've been very worried about him.
Another thing is that I really enjoy talking to this other guy friend at band. It's one of the few things I look forward to because the guy is fun to be around and always have something interesting to say. And I think my boyfriend might be a little bothered about it, but I'm not sure. Me and this other guy have been good friends for over a year now and I don't want to stop talking to him because of a boyfriend because it's stupid.
My boyfriend has sent me messages flipping out that he just needs to know someone loves him sometimes and I get scared because I don't love him that way but I feel like I have to lie or else he'll do something crazy.
I just don't know what to do. I feel trapped. I'm afraid if I break up with him he'll get depressed and might do something stupid. He isn't a bad guy but I just don't like him that way and I don't really see it working out well. I think he'd be an alright friend and I do care about him, but just not that way..He's already been stressing me out a lot in the past few weeks, which is the last thing I need right now. True my life has been improving but I had an extremely shitty summer and I just don't need this kind of stuff going on right now. I know the more I drag out the relationship, the worse it's probably going to be for him, but this just doesn't seem like a good time right now..
I hope I don't sound heartless from what I wrote. I just needed to tell someone about it before it starts eating me alive. I feel so bad when I type back 'I love you' or say it to him but I pretty much have to or I'm afraid he'd start freaking out. I always seem to have some sort of problem. I really could use some advice.
November 7th, 2008 at 04:10am