
Today is gonna be a good day, even though I woke up freakishly early. I just wish the time would pass just a little bit more quicker, because patience is literally killing me. I can't eat anything without feeling sick, and I'm so tempted to wear my outfit for tonight.

In more important news, I'm a bit stoked for the new presidential elect, Barack Obama. He seems to know whats right for the US, and I am very satisfied with some of his views on controversial topics. I'm not one for starting conflicts, but I'm sure he'll do a much better job than Bush.

Currently, I'm downloading a buttload of music to listen to - to calm my nerves. Tonight I have a date, and I really hope it goes well. I apologize to my rambling, but I need to get it out somewhere. Oh! I have a Tumblr now, and I like it so far... even though I'm pretty sure nobody can see it. Oh well, its just a way for me to release my emotions and whatnot. If you want the url, comment me. I'm sure there won't be any of you who will do it, but hell, I'm just asking.

I guess I should wrap this up now, because I'm gonna go try to eat some food before I get myself sick.
November 8th, 2008 at 02:59pm