SassyBack Tour 2008.

So, basically this was the best concert of my life. :D

Meet and Greet

We got to go inside of the club - in the side room with stripper poles in the middle of it. I swear to god. I was pissed because they told me no cameras but apparently they were allowed anyways - but frankly I was too excited. Mattbro told us that Gabe was sick while telling us the rules so I was like "I should have made him a get well card" and he was all "YOU STILL HAVE TIME."


So I made a really ghetto one on the back of my conformation meet and greet printout and gave it to Nate to give to Gabe. I flocked to Nate first because he's just so damned cute - and we're the same height. Basically, I managed to hog him for five minutes just talking about shit before Mattbro was like "Sorry, but other people need to meet him," and Nate was all "BUT SHE'S MY FRIEND" and hugged me really tight.

After being shoved away from my new friend, I went to Suarez and got him to sign my mom's face - after about five minutes of pleading. He's like 'normally I don't sign people's faces - but your mom is cool and you're pretty chill so it's all good." Which was amazing. I got a hug from him too.

Thennn I went to Ryland and we had a jolly good chat about my hoodie and how he gets mad when people call hoodies "jackets" in Texas. xD Then he told me my disco sparkly leggings were the shit. I nabbed a big hug from him too and managed to get a crappy picture on my mom's cell phone. :D

Finally, Victoria made her was into the room late and I was like "VICKY-T" when I saw her and made my way over. Everyone else was busy with the boys. She complimented my outfit, which made me go "AWH". Then we stood there talking about shoes until Mattbro made me let other people talk to her. xD So then I stood there talking to him too. It was great.

The Show

So, we were in the front for the first two acts - Sing it Loud and Hit the Lights, but my shirt got ripped from me because it was thinnly strapped under a jacket.
I went up to the merch table, holding my shirt up and was like "Uhm, I need a shirt." And Danny was like O.o "WHAT SIZE?" After I told him, I looked to where the restrooms were and was like "Shit I'll have to push my way through that." So Danny let me go behind the table and let my friends hold up some shirts to hide me in the corner while I quickly changed into my new shirt. I gave Danny a ten dollar tip for that shit and he's like "AWH. HERE'S A SHITLOAD OF GLOWSTICKS" and gave me a whole fucking pack of them. Then the merch guy for FTSK was all sad I didn't give him a tip, so I gave him a ten dollar tip too and he's like :D "REALLY?" and gave me a billion FTSK wristbands in return. xD

They let me and my friends hand behind the merch table the whole time and Danny was like "Gabe just texted me - he's coming out for a bit, just heads up." which was totally sweet of him.

So we hung around for Gabe, and he came up during FTSK - when I was jumping up and down behind the merch table and going fucking crazy. My friends didn't know FTSK that much so it was mainly just me. :D I didn't even notice Gabe until after I screamed my fucking head off for FTSK. Honestly - I screamed like a fucking banshee.

So then Danny was like, "Hey, Gabe's here." And I looked over to where he was signing a girl's shirt so I hopped over boxes of merch to get to him and was like "SIGN THIS PLEASE" and he just laughed at me. But it was a nice laugh. :D

Since he couldn't talk, I did all the talking for him, he let me hang near him for a bit and I was like "I really hope you get well - I made you a card but it was really ghetto and I gave it to Nate." And Gabe was all, "Awwh, thanks." which totally meant Nate didn't give it to him but whatever. I was freaking out the entire time I stood next to him and like, helped him with getting pictures with fans who came up and stuff just to be nice - my friends were too excited to really do much of anything nad just stood there.

After a bit, Gabe said he had to go and I was like "Awh, I'll see you onstage." And he gave me a big hug and I swear to fucking god he kissed my forehead. :D I nearly shit my pants.

Then after he left I hugged Danny like hell for letting us hang with him and he was just like "It's all cool."

When Cobra went on, We stood on some boxes Danny had to see them from out spot and I fell over a few times while dancing, but it was fucking amazing. I screamed my lungs out and quite honestly, I think I was only one to know all the lyrics. :D But s'all cool.

I was disappointed they didn't do the rap part of Snakes on a Plane. :c A lot of their songs were mixed together, like hooks and stuff, just so they could play them all. Courtesy of the amazing Suarez. :D He DJ's sometimes. Just FYI.

After the show, when Cobra left, we all screamed for another song but they didn't come out. So I was like "SHIT. I WANT TO HEAR GUILTY PLEASURE." and someone on the other side of the room started singing the chorus, so of course I did, and then everyone in the tiny little club was singing it until Cobra came back out and Gabe was like "That was fucking amazing."

So then we sang out hearts out and danced like hell for the song, and I got all the merch guys to do the dance with me. :D They loved me. c: Just cuz I gave them huge tips.

Then, finally, the show ended, and I was sad when we had to leave the venue - but I got to meet the lead singer of Sing It Loud and hang with him and my friends until my mom showed up to pick us up.

My legs were so tired for all the jumping nad dancing I did, I couldn't even crawl into the van, I kind of fell on the ground and just stayed there while my friends got in.

But it was amazing. :D Obviously.

Best night of my fucking life.
November 9th, 2008 at 05:25pm