Alter Ego

I have been surveying lately about alter egos in social sites. And a bit of the results concludes that most of the people out there in the cyberspace, mostly create accounts just for spam or titles or even just for the sake of having one. This gives off the fact that most of the people are having their other side expose to the public, not knowing that people around him or her can misjudge him or her for that, because of the fact that he or she doesn't show these traits on the people around him or her.

Isn't that bad? People around you know you for the fact that you are showing the real you. But then their fears turn out to be real because the people they trust in with their deepest secrets and thoughts are the perfect stranger they barely know?

I hope this site contains only the alter ego-free people so that most of them can earn my trust and reliance. You, are you sure you are you in your cyberspace world? Are you sure that you know yourself deeply?

Please drop off your comments about this topic. And feel free to say whatever you want to to me.
November 10th, 2008 at 07:23am