So if I'm the fire, you've become the rain

Hm, where to begin? Obviously, this is my first time posting one of these nifty things on this nifty site (thanks again E, for making me join) so I guess I should just discuss my day so far? Well in about six minutes it will be November 11th in California so yea. Today was just random things, skating, taking pictures, eating, the usual. I didnt get to hang with the lot today so that was a bum.

I got in a fight with E again, it's almost a regular thing now. We fight alot over stupid stuff but she knows she'll always be my Bubbeh. I had pizza with Alex, Im at his casa right now and we're a bit buzzed, but not enough to not make not know the the hell im doing.

Im talking to E on the phone right now, annoying her with my typing, She gets pretty agitated when I do that while talking to her but she's not here to hurt me...yet. I had to beg her earlier to come over but that didnt really work. Now my Bubbeh is yelling at me because I keep putting off what I really want to discuss with her, but Im pretty sure Ill end up not telling her,

I hate when I hide things from her because she knows when I do and yet I won't tell her. As much as I don't want to, I'll end up doing it in time because she gets really emotional when people hide things from her and she knows it, We can all just say she had a rough child hood and thats as far as shell let me tell you unless she knows you well.

Right now, shes getting upset with me because im not paying attention to her while she;s trying to tell me something important, but I also have something important that I will not tell her. Yet.

I don't know if she realizes what I truly mean when I say "I love you Bubbeh" but hopefully she can figure out by the end of one of our many convorsations. Right now its 12:05 am and Im not really even tired, I already want this converstation to come close to an end and let her know how I feel about her but it's actually pretty hard now, seeming as she's three years younger than me but ive known her for so long (since she was born!) and so well and shes one of my best friends and plus like a little sister to me, which is wrong, but I feel its right and time for her to know......thats if I get the balls to tell her.

But E, if you are reading this before I getta tell you hon, Im starting to get feelings for you. I know what you are thinking, how I was in the past with girls, but you know Ive changed. If im ever with you [which I now highly doubt because you're talking me ear off about Josh] I want you to know im not that guy anymore.

-12:09 AM
November 11th, 2008 at 09:10am