Hey friends and readers, hows it going.

Lately its been going pretty rough.... Where to start.... Oh yeah here we go.


I own a Dell Xps desktop with a 22" flat screen monitor. and one day i was sitting down on Myspace and Mibba and all of a sudden my screen shuts off. im sitting here wondering what the hells going on. so i try pushing the button on the front, to no avail, it fails. so i try unplugging it from the wall, waiting a few seconds then plug it back in. and as soon i plugged it back in it sounded like someone shot a gun or something behind me.
when i got back up off the floor from plugging it in i looked over at my monitor and it was smoking -.-...


Other than that its going pretty well, im flunking geometry in school, cause i suck at math or something and i've got to wait til christmas til i can have my Xbox 360 *sad face*

once I get my 360 would you guys be nice enough to help me pick out a gamer tag? :P

more importantly, my stories.

IF anyone is concerned, the reason "The Dragon Wars" or "Friends Aren't Always Forever" hasnt been updated in almost 2 months is because of my monitor blowing up, and none of my other computers in my house have Microsoft Word... for some reason.

Also i think that The Dragons Wars Chapter 1 needs to be pulled off for a while after get my new monitor. i've found it to be very vauge, not enough details of suroundings, and it runs a bit fast through the story line. for example it took me around 3 hours to write the 8 pages that make up the first chapter, i believe i could stretch that to around 15 pages if i actually tried
For another example my newer story Friends Arent Always Forever. the first chapter of that story took me at least a week. and its almost 23 pages long, shocking!

so the bottom line basically, once i get a new monitor i'll continue working on Dragon Wars and some other stories i've been planning out for the past couple of weeks.

Until then, cya later.

November 11th, 2008 at 03:52pm