I sound like that one guy..

Isn't Autumn despicable?
I've got a cold now and my voice was completely gone for two days.. Now it's coming back and now I sound like that one guy from Rancid. You know him? Tim Armstrong.. Ah who doesn't know him lol :P.
He's also playing in OPIVY if you might didn't know it yet.. :P
( Discovered it through La-Idiot's comment lol didn't even thought about it actually. It makes sense now haha)

Anyway I'm listening to my favourite song at the time, if you don't know what I'm talking about you'll might discover it by checking out my profile :P.
And I swear my voice cracks just as much as Tim Armstrong.
Though his voice is much sexier than mine lol. X'D

This night I slept for whole fucking 4 hours!
It's better than yesterday.. Full Moon.. Couldn't sleep, and than this fucking cold which makes me sneeze about the most stupid things. :S
Woke up this morning and got fired away by a question from Saint Jimmy. (yes I call him sometimes like it cuz it's funny and his name is Jimmy :P)
He asked me if I completed my assignment already.
I was barely awake and asked him where the fuck he was talking about.
Then he said: Never mind you're not in my project group.

Later on it seemed he dreamt about his school that night.. Can you imagine it?! Dreaming about school! I rather pass on that one! :P School's fun but it's getting boring now, and I feel somewhat dizzy/drunk/nauseous for a few weeks now.
(I'm not drinking under schooltime so don't worry 'bout that lol :P! (did that once though it was fucking hilarious!))
Teachers are pushing me around, letting me do assignments which I don't understand sometimes. They're just a bunch of dumbfucks walking around here.
I'm pretty much the only punk in the school, yeah a few gothics and heavy metal people where I hang out with, but nothing like me, so I can talk about bands and political shit. though they agree with me on some parts.
Yeah Saint Jimmy's like me, but he goes to a different school than I am.

Anyway, I pissed off a girl.. REAL BAD. Am I sorry for doing that? Not really actually..
She's just a bossy whining little fat cow. (yeah sorry :P) She tries to control everyone she knows and when she has a problem she comes crying to one of us.

Well, I simply had enough of her whining and commanding, so I told her that she's too bossy, keeps doing things which involves us without even asking, and that the world's not about her alone.

Now she's mad at me.

I don't care :P I'm not some rag-doll you can throw from one side of the room to another.
I think that's what makes me a punk and a big pain in the ass.. I say everything about anyone.

I told her the truth.. And the more funnier thing is, she thinks I'm gonna beat the hell out of her. It's so funny it seems she's scared of me. While she's like three times bigger than I am..
If she wants to fight bring it, I'm not scared of anybody anymore lately. Had too much stuff to go around and it made me stronger.
I found the real me, and I don't care if that's a little anarchistic..

Anyway I'm out to lunch.. HUNGRYYYYYY :P


November 13th, 2008 at 12:21pm