IN Love

People..well more like parents say that teenagers are too young to be in love... but i think that's just stupid and ridiculous...I'm in love
and yet I'm a teenager and i am in love with my boyfriend
On 18SEP08, a very special date for the both of us, since then, so much has happened... you might be thinking... only two months??? But it's more then time right? Isn't it more like passion, how much you love the person??? (Quality over quantity i guess?)

i think the main thing when you're in love, is that you're happy with the person you're with. My boyfriend makes me laugh, smile and once even cried... that was pretty crucial for me... i cried and everything... but afterwards.. when everything was settled i realized how much i loved him, i've never dropped a tear for any guy before. and now this special guy comes into my life and changes it completely.. i guess you might be thinking how corny and naive i might be even though I'm only 15, but like i said, it doesn't matter about age right???
November 14th, 2008 at 06:56am