
So I was browsing around FanWorks and I stumbled upon an m preg bandfic and I thought to myself, "Oh, God, not another one." Someone needs to explain the rules of human reproduction to these people. WeeWee+VaJJ=Baby. But WeeWee+WeeWee=Hot sex but NO BABY!

It's so annoying when it's like "yummy guy on guy sex" and then out pops baby. It's, NO! My gay friend, Josh, was telling me how he was looking forward to being older so he could not get people pregnant. Because (in his words) they'd be all like, "I'm not pregnant." and he'd be like, "Yay!" And I mentioned m-preg to him and he gave me look like O_O. I burst out laughing.

Bottomline: GUYS CAN NOT GET PREGNANT! THEY DON'T HAVE A UTERUS OR ANY OF THE OTHER LADY BITS! I'm sorry! Alright, that rant is over.

M-preg writers: Don't be offended. I think it's really awesome that you write and if you want to defy the laws of science, you do that shit with pride! It's just not my thing.

OKAY! I'm really done now. I love you!!!!! All of you. For realz. <3
November 15th, 2008 at 12:01am