11/13-- Report Cards

Alright, so, here's the deal, yesturday, as most of you probably know, we got report cards! I know right, exciting! I was so just kidding! I absolutely cannot stand them! ask anyone that knows me in report cards! I always come so close to failing the grade! No joke! But, this quarter my parents said if I get anything less than a C then I can't go see Twilight. So I try and actually do that stuff they call homework-- well, some of it at least. So today we got the little devils and guess what comes out of the blue! I made that thing they call HONOR ROLL!!!!!!! It is going to destroy me and my reputation! And it's an inanimate object! A piece of freaking paper! So, I took it home to get it signed and everything for my parents. The worst thing possible happened! They made a big deal out of it! I mean, I've really never got anything higher than a C my whole life! Kindergarden I was a C student and all you had to do was basically show up-- put those pieces together! Anyway, my mom got all, "Haliegh! I'm so proud of you!" and just about cried. My dad (Thank God it was over the phone!) was all, "Great job, Haliegh! Keep up the good work!" like he expects me to start trying now. It sounded like he didn't believe me at first, but then once he actually saw it... I think he was a milimeter from a stroke! So, now I get to see Twilight! Not just that, but, they bought me and two of my friends tickets (I'm still thinking about who to bring) and are actually letting me go alone and not just saying that I'm alone and then sneaking in and watching my every breathe! They're pathetic. I can tell all of you one thing-- I am not actually try for my grades anymore. I can just about swear on that!

Well... unless I want something, of course!!!!!
November 15th, 2008 at 03:48am