oh, us girls are so cute.

Mibba girls, God bless their little hearts.

Don't you just love how we all warn the guys on here that they're going to get "comment-raped?" Oh, be careful..there will be tons of girls commenting you..including me.

I mean, aren't we all barve enough yet to just say something along the lines of "Hello, I'm so and so. I'd like to have a conversation with you" ..? If I were a guy, I think I'd be a little more overwhelmed with getting 5 million comments telling me I'm going to have girls all over me.

But you know, I guess people can say whatever the heck they want to the Mibba boys. Give them tons of cookies, maybe they'll talk to you.

P.S. this wasn't meant to offend anyone, it could possibly have..but I wasn't trying to be rude or mean.
November 15th, 2008 at 06:50am