Well here's my Christmas and B-day list.

Yeah people have been getting on my case about this so here's the basic stuff I want:

All We Know Is Falling-Paramore (CD)
Any Pearl Jam CD
The All American Rejects (self titled)
Like 23 other CD's
Some sweet Vans
A digital Camera
Roller Blades
Gibson SG *drools*
Huge Girr doll I saw at Hot Topic
The Umbrella Academy
A good 12 hours of sleep (I have done that before)
Stripy long socks
Simpsons Season 1 Box Set
Halo 1 and 3 for X-Box 360

Yeah I sound really spoiled don't I? I love the christmas spirit. I honestly think the only reason I come up with such long lists is because I love opening the presents more that HAVIGN the presents...
But thats just me.
November 15th, 2008 at 09:06am