Sometimes I Wish We Could Just Pretend, Even if Just For One Weekend....

I fucking miss him so much, it hurts...

I miss the way he used to give me that doe-eyed-bambi-wathcing-his-mother-get-shot-and-dragged-into-a-truck look.
I miss the way he would kiss me, look into my eyes for a second, then kiss me on the nose and smile.
I miss him bitching about stuff.
I miss the way we used to cuddle at night, like spooning but he would hold me real tight and kinda have his arm around me with his hand under my boob...xD
I miss the way he would laugh at me and shake his head.
I miss sitting on my windowsill and making him jump when he got to my house and didn't see me sitting there.
I miss him catching me by surprise, showing up at my house and sneaking up on me as I drew in the front yard...and he would bring a 6-back and we would just lie there...
I miss the way we would just sit in the sunroom for hours and talk, and drink beers, and take photos of each other...while listening to Janis Joplin....and not needing anything to entertain us...
I miss how he would always catch the train home with me, even though it was a massive waste of time and was going right out of his way....
I miss how he would kiss my legs *_*
I miss his smell
I miss his voice
I miss getting butterflies in my tummy whenever I saw him
I miss being so happy

I miss you babe.


When you go, would you have the guts to say
I don't love you
Like I loved you
November 15th, 2008 at 12:23pm