The lesser child

You know,being a lesser child sucks.

Enter me.
The writer
2 real friends
Not very athletic
obsessed with listening to music and reading
dont like to leave my room
Go to a very challenging school and get all As

Enter my twin brother
The sports freak
Too many friends to count
WAY to athletic
obsessed with sports and his Friends
has to go out every night with his friends
Goes to a sucky school and does pretty well

Thats my life.My parents praise the twin on having lots of friends and doing well in sports.I get yelled at for wearing make up and not doing anything.They get mad at me for going on the computer...reading!And think its fine for the devil to go on myspace and what ever.But that doesnt matter cuz he has to go out with his friends all the time.Me?well I occasionally go to the movies but prefer reading and playing guitar in my sanctuary I call a room.

He cant get yelled at for being an obnoxoius brat.Me I get yelled at for not putting the dishes away.Oh yea.Did I mention I do all the chores.I do all of his chores.I do ever little thing for him and he repays me by making fun of me for having no real friends and phisically punching me in the gut.Sometimes I just go to my room and cry.I cant take it.I just cant.Not anymore.My life sucks.Why can he just be like 5 years old or off at military school or something.Then my life could maybe be somewhat good.Some what less painful that it already is.
November 15th, 2008 at 10:37pm