Big Up.

So the other day we were in Performing Arts, and my teacher was telling us the rules(again).

"We don't call each other these things(bitches and sluts), females have come a very long way in this world. Who was it that refused to stand up on a bus because of segregation? She was female. Women won the right to vote. Women have come a long way in history to not be called this. It is demeaning and basically making women seem insignificant against Males."

I was seriously going to stand up and burn my hands off from clapping so much. She basically summed up my thoguhts in one whole speech.

Do you know what really ticks me off? Not the genre of rap, it can be quite good, but all of the 'bitches', 'hoes', 'ghetto booty'. All of the women crawling around in the background half naked.
I DESPISE Akon, reason being in his videos there has to be some woman crawling around in some skimpy clothes that don't cover her as he talks about getting some with his bitch. Ooh, the radiator is on...Anyway...

I wanna fuck you, i wanna make love right na na na. There are dozens more of examples and it's wrong. Also the girls in these videos are all done up with plastic and photoshopping. Guys that look up to that kind of thing will expect their girls to look like that and naturally, it's rare to find someone like that.

My ex, don't even go there, I was talking to my friend with him and he called me a slut, I can't remember why :?
And I went crazy on his ass. If any of my boyfriends dare call me slut/bitch/hoe, I swear to Ghandi, they will not have a penis. XD
It's something that annoys the living crap out of me. And aswell, when they talk about getting their money and guns etc.

How are they being a good role model, really? Kids look up to these people, these songs, they try to live by them. It doesn't do much good.
I don't hate rap, some of it does have good morals. I think eminem can be great, some songs are a bit...Ughh...but more of less, he has good morals to the songs.

Meh, I'm tired and this is semi rantish. JAMIE IZ BIG BOY NAOW. Happy Birthday, son. :L
Bye .xo
November 15th, 2008 at 11:39pm