Sweet sweet irony.

It’s funny how those you trust the most in your life are always the ones who can screw you over- You give them that capability. You hand over your heart and scream with all your might- “THIS IS ME, THE RAWNESS OF WHO I AM, MY CORE. It’s fragile, don’t break it.” But it’s in that belief, the belief that they care, that they are not like every other human, out to look after themselves, that you become venerable.

Now, don’t get me wrong, when I invest my trust, love and care into someone, I can keep that, but the more secrets you spill, personal thoughts you share and manipulative comments you make that you hand over more to them. You hand over the tiny bit of you that you dream and wish each day no one will ever see- The bad side. The side that wishes that the fucking bitch who talks about you behind your back trips down the stairs, the side that secretly hopes that your crush will never find happiness in someone else, because it will be too painful to standby and watch. Yes my friends, it’s that side of you that you unknowingly pass into the hands of another person. Why? Because the little angel on your shoulder pleas you to listen to them and swears that the friend or love that you invest yourself in is a better person than you, that they will see past your bad side and love you for you.

It doesn’t really work like that. Because however much faith I have in the human race I know that people bitch and gossip, and that eventually however hidden you think you really are, the thoughts you don’t share will come flooding out.

So yeah, I’m not about to spill my deepest darkest secrets and feelings to anyone, but I think I have learnt some people cover up better than others.
The ones who giggle and act sugar sweet, who could never harm a fly and doesn’t seem to step out of line- It’s those people who are trying so hard to cover up that really have a sign above their head saying- “I’m bad news.” Funny really, isn’t it?
November 16th, 2008 at 01:53pm