"Dear..." letters.

Kind of unorthodox, but I like the idea.

Dear mom and dad,

I know you're concerned, but making anorexia and bulimia jokes is not going to solve anything. I understand that you have no real experience with this sort of situation, but please stop. It doesn't make me feel better.


Dear Kayley and Kelsey,

I really wish we still hung out like we used to. I really wish I could tell you. But most of all, I miss that stupid cliche closeness we always had before high school, even if I didn't really fit in. Now I feel like I do and I'm ready to start again.


Dear Meghan,

We don't always get along, but please come home for the holidays.


Dear Brett,

I hope everything is going well for you and Caitlyn. You should visit more often. I miss you more than you'll ever know.


Dear Curtis,

You're a douche, but I kind of like you. It's made my month now that we've started talking again. I love getting woken up by your texts :)


Dear Madonna,

Your man arms scare me. Please don't crush all your adopted children's hands.


Dear Regina,

Please snow. I should not be able to see the grass in November. It's really messing me up. Also, I miss sledding.


Dear various teachers,

I don't want to repeat tenth grade. Stop failing me.


Dear Cheecha Krackles,

You are delicious, fat-free, all natural and virtually calorieless. I love you. Don't ever go away.
November 16th, 2008 at 10:00pm