Welcome to Gr-...Britain.

This country is in a bigger mess than Alistair-not-so-Darling's eyebrows. Oh, yes, I went there.
Tax cuts for people on low income.
Price cuts on insulation for people on low income.
Cheap fruit for people on low income.
Low freaking income.

Let's face it, low income if for anyone who is claiming money from tax payers having to pay tax after tax after tax...
There is a minority that genuinely have reasons for why they can't work. But others, take my neighbour for example here.
She has six children, one with Downs Syndrome. She has never worked in her life, she lays in bed until one in the afternoon(not even getting up to say goodbye to the kids she has at home) and when she does eventually get up, she does washing in her dressing gown all day. Really, I walk outside and I know theres no pollution cause Daz is the solution, yay! [/sarcasm]

She goes away to these health farm things every month or so, she palms her Downs Syndrome child off to 'respite' ie. off to Grandads. But he can't anymore because Grandad is ill. So now she mopes to my Mum about how she has to look after him, pay someone to do something. And my Mum is literally fuming when she comes in to see me. "She moans about having to get 15-hour week job when us tax payers have been paying for her lifestyle these past 30 years!"
And there are more stories like this coming out. Families of around 10-15 getting houses that neighbours the stars and they cost around £3Million of taxpayers money

But back to my original point, now they say they're going to cut taxes...For low income families. Gah, give me a break, please. Whatever anyone earns through their hard work, there is always a percentage for the fat cats in London. But, who'll really suffer when these taxes are reinstated?
Us. My friends, me, everyone who will start to pay taxes and get a job pretty soon: we will suffer. And it's not fair. Great Britain is not so great anymore. We were once booming and now we've succombed to the title of Broken Britian.
I have nothing against people from international who come to Britain to 'live the dream'(what that is I have no idea), work and send money back to their families. But what annoys the living crap out of me is the fact that I know next year when I get a job, I will basically be working for every lazy mother fucker in this Goddamned place. Employees bringing in Polish workers because they know that they can make them work harder for less, it's wrong, and it's disgusting. As soon as I'm old enough, I'm packing up and moving from this place. We'll be taxed for breathing, soon!

Meh, I guess that's Britain in a nutshell. Here's a message for anyone wanting to move here: claim benefits. You'll need it.

End rant :D
November 17th, 2008 at 12:10am