I'm from MyFandoms!

I LOVE that website so much!

Mibba is..sort of confusing to me ^-^"

I cant post anymore stories on here because I'm so confused o_o

On MyFandoms you can basically do anything, You can upload Fanart..videos.. make alot of friend..

It's sort of like MySpace but it's safer and better. Trust me it is- otherwise my Mom wouldn't let me use it o_o

I used to be on this awesome Fanfiction site called Fanlib but it shut down..

MyFandoms has alot of things though, that Fanlib didn't... but I still miss Fanlib.

MyFandoms is REALLY easy to use once you get used to it! I can even show you ^-^

And I've noticed SO MANY PEOPLE ditching Quizzilla and joining this site. Im SO not surprised,LOL. I hate that site!

Please,please,please read my stories too ^-^
But not on here because..well.. o_o...
They look bad on Mibba but on MyFandoms it looks better lol

I guess it's the way Mibba sets up the stories..

The only thing I love about Mibba is the profile part. You can space out stuff.. That's about it. o_o...

Here's the link to my MyFandoms page:

Over 3,000...Yes.. you hear me right... over 3,000 people are on MyFandoms!

Some of the accounts are real old though from like 2007 when MyFandoms opened- people didnt use MyFandoms because they couldnt figure it out,LOL
But it's easier now
and it's easy to post stories. I know how to do it with ease. I had NO idea at first!
So word to the clueless- I feel your pain o_o

At least 25 people a week join MyFandoms and out of those currently 3,358 accounts on there... 3,300 are used ^-^ WOO!

The things I like about MyFandoms:

1. I love how they let you customize your page with ease!

2. I love how they show your friends list not in alphabetical order but in order of how you made the friends. They put the friends list on Fanlib in alphabetical order but you couldnt find anybody.

3. I like the way you can browse the new memebers of MyFandoms easily. On Fanlib you sort of had a hard time.. you had to keep clicking on everything then - "send request" then back button..then if the page expired..UGH! o_o

4. I love how easy it is to leave a comment on people's pages and send messages!! ^-^

5. I love the bulletin board! The bulletin board you post can only be seen by people on your friends list. So that's an easy way of telling people you updated a story! ^-^ And you can tell them other things too! I really post just anything LOL

6. You have your own blog to use! (i havent figured out how to use it o_o)

7. You can post FanArt on there! Unlike on here you cant. It's a creative writing site like the guy said.

7. You can block and ignore people easily! Woo!

8. MyFandoms has this instant messager . It's sort of like Yahoo IM and AIM IM, you can see who's online and who's not.

9. I like the way how you can see when people are online. You just go to browse and click -Who's Online- and it shows you ^-^

10. When you go to someone's page it'd either say Offline or Online depending if they are on or off.

11. You get better alerts when you are left a comment on your profile,sent a message, or someone commented on your FanArt.

12. You can rate and comment things with ease! 1 to 10 stars.

13. MyFandoms keeps track of all your comments and you get to delete them if you want.

14. The MyFandoms Administrators are eays to contact.

15. When you send messages it tells you if the other person read it yet. (go to Sent and it'll either say (READ) or (Unread)

16. You can put music on your page from! Just use Playlist's special code! ^-^ And if you update the list you posted on MyFandoms- the playlist will automatically be updated too ^-^






22. They have groups that you can join! Or you can make up your own and invite people ^-^

MyFandoms is AWESOMENESS!!

If you need help with it- I'll help ^-^
November 17th, 2008 at 01:37pm