Commandments of Amina by: Haleigh/Padawan/AristaDaNinja

I. Thou shalt become unreasonably angry at everything from the drop of a hat to hoe-faces who be stealing thy man.

II. Thou shalt protect thy pop can from dents with every fiber of thy Obsessive Compulsive Disorder-ing being.

III. Thou shalt listen to gay, outdated, 80's music

IV. Thou shalt write a novel that makes Stephanie Meyer cower in shame and hide in a corner, crying like an emo kid.

V. Thou shalt have large breasts.

VI. Thou shalt create a highly offensive, wrathly hit list that includes two members of thy family.

VII. Thou shalt have an unhealthy obsession with guns, cars, and anything manly.

VIII. Thou shalt concentrate with all thy might on thy humming techniques.

IX. Thou shalt count everything in sight.

X. Thou shalt be willing to sell thy best friend into slavery for the latest game console.

okay, so, this was written today by my mate, AristaDaNinja, and all of it is technically true. I do wear D cups......... I do listen to 80's pop and rap............... I am kinda manly... but not in that weird butch type way... I do have OCD, and once, I counted 764 chairs in a huge meeting room. I am seriously writing a novel (with Haleigh of course) and it is soon to be the next Twilight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 18th, 2008 at 12:58am