This is an editorial i thought i might write

Hate Crimes aren’t just Sexist Anymore

Chicago- Reports of massive deaths pour out of Roosevelt High School. Any student who displays affection to another student of the same sex is killed on spot by Ms. Brott the principal at the school. “The mere thought of a female hugging or being to close to another female makes me sick,” reports Brott “I want my school to be clean and free of the disgusting heathen behavior.” Students who play sports are no longer allowed to give each other a congratulatory pat on the butt for a job well done without the fear of being brought to the principal’s office and never seen again becoming very real. “We make it as slow and painful as we can, and to make an example out of them. We are merely encouraging the students at our school to be clean and pure,” says Mr. Tallala. “Roosevelt High wants to let all the parents of the gay students know that their child’s death was out spite and ignorance and to assure the parent that is was as slow and painful as possible,” says Brott. Football players, cheerleaders or even regular every day student are now possible targets for Brott’s Uzi that she keeps on her person on all occasions. Brott has officially been accounted for more then 100 deaths. “Football games are my favorite,” reports one unnamed source “they are the most likely place to find these unholy acts against nature.” As a final report Brott went on to say that any and every student who wants to show affection to another student while on the property of the school will be subjected to a slow and painful execution in front of their peers.
November 18th, 2008 at 04:03pm