This is our sad world!

I just wrote a one-shot yesterday and it made me think about the world today. People go around killing each other for stupid reasons. In my town we lost one guy to a driveby. All I could remember was that he was in my grade. Oh and I forgot to mention that we lost another one to gang violence. Well I guess both of them were gang violence. After these events a march was put together to stop gang violence. My towns not even that bad but like most towns we have our rough patches.

Then a few months ago a guy decided to rob a gas station that was like ten minutes away from my house. I think he was charged with attempted murder.

I travel about an hour to get to my mom's house. So of course I'm in a different county. I was laying in bed when my mom comes in the house and she was speechless. She tells me that she was going to go straight to the bank but made a stop before she got there and went to drug fair. She pulls up into the bank parking lot and the cops tell her the bank is closed. If she didn't make that stop before going to the bank she would have been held at gun point. The bank was robbed just minutes before she got to it. It made my heart jump.

Here's another one. My mom's friend was driving home from who knows where. He's driving by a bank. There are like tons of cop cars. So he looks down at the parking lot to find a body lying lifeless on the ground.

My friend had two family members shot. One was in critical condition and I think the other one was pregnant. That's all I'll say. It's not my place to say anything else.

I know it's not just happening around me. Almost everyone has a story. Isn't that sad?

Violence has been going on forever. I wish it would just stop but we all know in reality it will never. If only those people, the murderers, could just think. Their victim might have a kid at home or they could be the only one supporting their family. The possibilities are endless. They should think what if someone shot someone I love. THINK! WE ARE ALL STILL PEOPLE! There are so many reasons not to take someones life. First of all it's not your life to take.

My one-shot deals with the sad reality of our world. It's called Who Said Luck Lasted Forever? I love feedback. =D

Thank you for reading!
November 19th, 2008 at 01:39am