
Ok, so I liked this guy, let's call him....James. Well, I liked him for a while, and he totally knew. I had a tendency of staring at him during Social Studies, and he and his friends ALWAYS noticed. At first, they'd be like "Oh, she's staring at you again," so he'd look up, I'd blush and look down. After a while, they'd just start fake coughing really loudly. I'd react the same, although after that he wouldn't look up. I figured, that since he already knew, I had nothing to lose by asking him out. My two friends, who also happen to be in my Social Studies class, composed a note, pretty much asking him to check the correct box if he liked me, "Yes", "No", or "Maybe". It came back with a check in the "No" box. This didn't particularly bother me. I'd told myself that that would be his answer, but I couldn't help that small pang of rejection. That day, after Social Studies, I had lunch. His table was down by the tray return. After I'd eaten, and put my tray away, I turned to go back to my table. The effect was instant. His table erupted in noise, all of his friends laughing, and pointing at him and me, yelling either "Oh, stare at him!!!!" or, "Oh, oh, oh, REJECTION!!" And the worst thing... James was laughing. I walked away, very fast, and sat at my table. I was holding back tears with all of my might. I actually had two table, one with a ton of people and one with like 4 to 5. I had to pass the table with less to get to the table I was actually sitting at that day. My friends at the crowded table were laughing about these two boys who sat one table over, and hadn't noticed me return. Then my friend....let's call her Kristen, came over and asked me if I was alright. I thought for a second, then decided to tell her the truth. "No," I mumbled. She gave a sympathetic smile and a hug. I tried and failed at giving a smile. She pulled me to my feet and dragged me to the other table. They sat me down, and asked me to tell them what had happened. When I finished, they were really upset for me. "Can I please, please, PLEASE go kill him for you?" my one friend asked. She had asked the same thing when my ex had broken up with me. "No," I said, grinning. She always made me smile.

I've been rejected before, but NEVER this harshly. Never. And the guys I asked out were usually really nice, and sorry about it. Then, of course, my Social Studies teacher decided to sit us next to each other for class. Grrreeeeaaaat. Ugh.
November 19th, 2008 at 03:00am