All About Moi :]


1. I am extremely opinionated, but I try not to be and I'm working on it. So I'm sorry if I offend you in any way.

2. When I was 8, I was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

3. When I was 10, I was diagnosed with Depression.

4. I've been through so much, but I'm living life day by day and learning from my mistakes and learning how to live life with my disorders.

5. The fact that was here before is gone, but I'm not going to delete the number because I'm lazy. That's it. That's the fact. I'm lazy. (But seriously, who would want to delete the fact and then have to renumber all of the numbers?)

6. I love to write, yet sometimes I hate my writing. I guess that's true for all writers, eh?

7. I do not have a favorite color. I love all the colors in the world.

8. I have met some of the coolest people on here. Anybody on my friends list in general is an amazing person who you should go talk to.

9. I am obsessive when it comes to Disney. I've been to Disney World nine times, Disney Land twice, and on two Disney Cruises. I will never outgrow the magic. I planned on doing the Disney College Program one semester in college but I had full credit-hour semesters so it didn't work out :(

10. I love little kids like crazy. I love to babysit and everywhere I go I play with the little kids that are there. When I'm around them my inner child comes out and I have the time of my life. Not to mention that kids love me. (see #88)

11. I'm pretty smart. I got A's and B's in school. I guess it just runs in the family. My mother was 16th in her class and my cousin was 1st. Plus my other cousin got almost perfect scores on his SAT, so he got a full ride to college. I was on the Dean's List four times in college.

12. Stereotypes (otherwise known as labels) are not for me. Do not label me, for I am me and that is all I want to be known as.

13. I live in the Hoosier State, the Crossroads of America, and Indiana.

14. I love to read, write, sing, dance (quite badly, though), and so much more.

15. My two passions out of those are singing and writing.

16. I've been singing since I could talk, and I was choir from 4th grade all through high school. I decided not to join an "official" choir in college, but I was in Gospel Choir and IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!

17. I've been writing for about nine years, and I joined Mibba on May 11th of 2008. Writing has become such a big part of my life; you have no idea. It really helps me vent.

18. I have a great love for animals. I've had two cats, three dogs, and a hamster. One of my dogs died in January 2011; we had to put her to sleep. In October 2012 my parents got a new puppy of the same breed. Her name is Muffin and she is SO CUTE. (She's in my profile picture! :D)

19. I love forensic science. It fascinates me. TruTv and ID are love. So is Ann Rule. And if we're talking about fiction and not true crime, I absolutely love James Patterson.

20. I love helping people and giving advice. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you. Everyone comes to me for advice and they say I help them. So don't be afraid to ask. I'll be glad to help.

21. If you take me to a candle store I'll be there for an hour smelling every single one of them and getting you to smell them too.

22. F.R.I.E.N.D.S. is the best tv show ever and I watch it all the time. I got all 10 seasons one Christmas from my parents. You should have heard how loud I screamed. Also, I have seen every episode at least six times (the really funny ones I've seen more).

23. I stand up for what I believe in even if I'm standing alone.

24. Strawberry-banana smoothies=love.

25. Most people say I am the most random person they have ever met. I take pride in being random and consider it a compliment to be called it. I also take weird as a compliment.

26. Reading=life. I love to read romance, mystery, and crime.

27. I have an awesome metabolism. I can eat and eat and eat and not gain anything. (Not to brag or anything..... ;D)

28. I am a perfectionist when it comes to writing. If I make a spelling, punctuation, or grammar mistake I HAVE to go and fix it that second.

29. Going off of that, my biggest pet peeve is when people don't use correct grammar or punctuation. Spelling is a big thing too. Chat talk annoys the heck out of me. If I start reading a story that pertains to what I just said, I promise you I won't continue reading it. (The only exception is if the story or the chapter or part of the chapter is told in chat/text speak.)

30. When I was younger I was known as a cry baby since I was very emotional, but it takes a lot for me to cry during books, tv shows, or movies, no matter how sad or happy they are. (I swear I'm not a sociopath, haha!)

31. I basically live off of milk, water (flavored or non), juice, strawberry-banana smoothies, and raspberry and peach iced tea as my beverages of choice.

32. I have strawberry blonde hair, a color so unique that I've only met a few people with it before.

33. I have hazel eyes, a color so uncommon that I've only met a few people with it before, and none of them are the same shade as mine. Mine are more green than brown, by the way.

34. I get severe stomach aches when I'm hungry. I also get cranky.

35. When I'm tired, I get cranky as well.

36. I'm a very hardcore Christian. Don't like it? I don't care. You can have your beliefs and I can have mine. We don't have to agree and we don't have to argue.

37. God is #1 in my life, followed by #2, my parents. My family is my everything. I don't know where I would be without them. I love them to death.

38. My friends mean the world to me. I only have a few in real life, but on here I had (sad face) TONS. I actually have a journal naming every single one of them, so you should go read that too if you're interested. It would take me forever to name all of them, so I won't. But I love them all to death.

39. At the moment I am involved in these things: Work. (Yay, adulthood?)

40. I am falling more and more in love with photography every day. If I could go and find all the icons or pictures that I loved, it would probably take me my whole lifetime. And I personally think that I'm a pretty good photographer :D

41. I will forever be obsessed with cheesypeanutbutter. (Inside joke alert! I love you Vada!)

42. I can never choose top friends. The are all equal to me in every way. That's why I don't have Top Friends on my profile (: (Oh my god does anyone remember Top Friends? xD)

43. All of my guy cousins are amazingly cute. In particular my two cousins who are brothers. They are half Latino and I know they're my cousins but YUMMMMM.

44. There will probably never be a day in my life when I don't sing.

45. I was born with nystagmus, an involuntary eye movement which usually results in some degree of visual loss. I've been teased many times for it, but it's whatever. I can't change it and I don't even know when I'm doing it. The major downside of it as of my late teens and on is that it makes driving harder, so much so that I am a very nervous driver. I can legally drive, but my vision is not perfect, so I get really nervous when I drive. I flat-out refuse to drive at night.

46. I have the eyes of a photographer. I see beauty in the smallest things.

47. I have the sense of smell of a dog (although probably not quite). I can smell things far away, things that no one else I am with can. Although, sadly, I do not have a Starbucks radar like the lovely Kevin Jonas :P

48. I have the ears of an elephant (metaphorically). I can hear very quiet sounds.

49. My sense of touch is also high. I get burnt and cold very easily. One time, my hands were white just from walking home from the bus stop.

50. The last 3 probably have to do with the fact that I have horrible vision. You're supposed to have 20/20, and I have 20/30 corrected vision, but I used to have 20/40. And they won't let you drive if you have 20/50. Absolutely no one can see through my glasses. And I've only met one person who has practically the same vision as me (since we could see clearly through each others' glasses).

51. I collect pressed pennies. I've already filled up almost two whole books :P

52. I've noticed lately that a LOT of girls have boyfriends nowadays, and when I say that I've never had one, people think I'm weird. So I've been thinking about it and I've come to the conclusion that I have liked guys in the past, but not a lot. And I've realized that I have standards. They may be a bit harsh, but they're there for a reason. I'm not going to go out with just anyone, and I'm proud of myself for that.

53. I pray every night before I go to bed and if anyone asks me to pray for something, I'll add it to my list. I have no problem wasting my sleeping time praying for the things and people who need it.

54. I'm one of those people who will burst out singing, dancing, or acting in a public place. When I'm with my friends, we're one heck of a crazy group :P

55. I'm a pretty fast typer. 50 wpm with 0 mistakes. (I should probably get this checked, because it's been since, like, 7th grade, haha! I have a feeling I actually type faster than that now.)

56. Since I got my iPhone I've become a WAY better texter, too :P

57. I hardly ever drink soda/pop/soda pop/WHATEVER IT'S CALLED. Maybe 2 or 3 times a month. (This changed since in college, but now I'm back to hardly ever drinking it again.)

58. Christmas would have to be my favorite holiday. But it's not because of the receiving. When I was younger, I used to love receiving all of the presents from Santa and all my relatives. Now I realize that the true gift of Christmas is the gift of giving.

59. I love to put smiles on people's faces. It automatically puts a smile on MY face. That's why I love to volunteer, especially around the Christmas season. I volunteer for my church, go to shelters, go caroling, and shop for kids in need. And every time I go by a Salvation Army person, I ALWAYS put money in their can. It's just an automatic thing that I do. (So, I am now going to take this opportunity as an adult and say that, in light of recent discoveries, I do not give money to the Salvation Army. I urge you not to, either. Stay woke, guys!)

60. The longest I've liked a guy is 3 1/2 years :P (Not to mention that it was my best friend's brother...) (Okay guys, story time. I'll try to make it short. His parents and my parents have always joked about this. Everyone thinks we're going to end up together. It's like Mary's Song by Taylor Swift, but I'm the one who was nine and he was the one who was seven. So yeah.)

61. I have a very dirty mind. (lol)

62. My elementary school gym teacher won Miss America. The 2011 Miss America pageant had past winners on it and she was on there ;)

63. The songs Miserable At Best by Mayday Parade and Far Away by Nickelback will always have a special meaning to me (thank you Hannah and Blair, respectively!). (I guess this is the appropriate place to say that I've never gotten the whole "Nickelback sucks!" thing. I love Nickelback, haha!)

64. Truthfully, I get new stories ideas ALL THE TIME. The thought process usually just doesn't go any farther than that :P

65. Chandler is my favorite Friend :D Phoebe is a close second. However, if you asked which Friend I am most like, I am most definitely Monica.

66. I absolutely hate the number 6 so I believe that this number is cursed :P

67. Grease is the word.

68. I love musicals! I have seen Wicked twice in Indianapolis (once in the very last row and once in the very first row). In August 2012 I got the chance to see both The Phantom of the Opera and Wicked in New York (Phantom in the second row of the balcony and Wicked in the very first row). I was originally only supposed to see Phantom because those were the tickets that my mom and I bought in advance, but then I won the ticket lottery for Wicked and I got to see them both--IN THE SAME DAY! Gosh, August 22nd, 2012--NEVER FORGET! Since then I've seen the following in Indianapolis: The Book of Mormon, The Wizard of Oz, Once, Newsies, and The Phantom of the Opera.

69. My favorite romance movie is NOT The Notebook. Although The Notebook IS a good movie, my favorite is A Walk To Remember. Gotta love Nicholas Sparks (: (I do love that one picture of all of his books lined up, and I do recognize the lack of representation.)

70. I've written some lyrics and I've gotten lots of praise for them.

71. My favorite genre of books, tv shows, movies, etc. is romance, closely followed by mystery, suspense, thriller, and drama.

72. I'm 23 years old and I've never been kissed, nor have I had a boyfriend. (I'm dead serious.)

73. This fact was about my GPA, but I'm not currently in school, sooo. (Please see Fact #5.)

74. I am a total Daddy's Girl and proud of it :D

75. Heart, Journey, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Def Leppard, AC/DC, Boston, and the Beatles are pretty cool bands. Basically all classic rock is phenomenal.

76. I've finally learned to not let mean people get to me. I know I'm a good person, and if they can't see that, then they're not worth my time. (No lie: One of the most important things I've learned in my life.)

77. I'm a pretty horrible updater. AHAHA! (I don't know if I'll ever update anything again... Sorry!)

78. I love playing I Spy computer games with my dad :D It really amuses us how it takes us forever find all the items and on the case it says that the game is for ages 6-10 :P Well, as a matter of fact, my dad and I play A LOT of kiddie games. AHAHA! But I love him. As number 74 states, I'm a total Daddy's Girl :D (I bet you totally just went back to see what number 74 was ;D)

79. My favorite Jonas Brother is Paul numero dos (aka: the married one) :D (This is pretty much a nostalgic thing at this point. Really, I don't have a favorite anymore. In fact, Kevin is kind of annoying to me now, with his business ventures and reality tv show. If I had to pick a favorite, it would have to be Nick.)

80. I go through celebrity obsessions. Right now it would have to be Matt McGorry (I love me some woke af men!). (I would say Darren Criss because HOLY SHIT I LOVE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH but we're too alike so it's more of a "Hey! Let's be best friends!" kind of thing instead of a "Hey! I want to marry you and have babies with you!" kind of thing.)

81. I could spend all day in a library.

82. I love the feeling of proving someone wrong. It's completely exhilarating.

83. I used to have severe self-esteem and self-confidence issues, but it's getting better day by day.

84. I prefer vanilla over chocolate. I truly believe that there actually is such a thing as too much chocolate. (cue gasps)

85. If I'm in a room and people are whispering, I can't help thinking that it's about me.

86. I strongly dislike picking teams for gym. Even when I was little I was always picked either last or close to last.

87. My favorite subject in school is Social Studies, particularly history. After that would be Science, particularly biology and other life sciences (aka: DON'T GIVE ME MATH!).

88. When I grow up, I want to work with autistic kids. I dual majored in Elementary and Special Education. (Crying because this is actually my life now. I'm a behavioral therapist for kids on the spectrum.)

89. I always have a song stuck in my head. It varies a lot, though. Sometimes it will be a rock 'n roll song, sometimes a country song. Like right now it's Seize the Day from Newsies (I listened to the OBC recording in the car yesterday to and from work). And it's all the time, too! When I'm trying to take a test, when I'm eating, when I'm taking a shower, when I'm trying to pray before bed. It's probably in my sleep, too!

90. I have song kicks, and they're really random.

91. I have an obsession with alternative bands, my favorite being The Maine. As far as my favorite band members, I have a lot, but I love Pat Kirch, Jared Monaco, Jordan Eckes, Cameron Hurley, Tay Jardine, Jack Barakat, Alex Gaskarth, Stephen Gomez, John Gomez,vand Niall Horan the most :D

92. My dog (the one mentioned in number 18) had been having seizures for over a year. We finally figured what was causing them: the vet was pretty sure she had cancer. We put her down mid-January of 2011. I'm thankful that I have so many great friends who kept Tessa in their thoughts and prayers :)

93. My first year of college was AMAZING. My second year was also AMAZING. My Junior year was AMAZING. Senior year was AMAZING. Basically, I loved college, haha!

94. My favorite thing that I have ever written is called Finding Jane. If you want something to read, I suggest that. It's an original fiction. Shameless promotion like wooooaaahhh! ;D

95. I honestly think that Taylor Alison Swift is the most beautiful human being on this earth. Coming in a close second and third are Minka Dumont Kelly and Holland Marie Roden. Oh! And Mia Swier! (What's her full name? I don't know.) HOLY SHIT GIRL CRUSHES ALERT!

96. I find no shame in the fact that I spent my 17th Birthday listening to The Essential Disney Love Song Collection. (I love that I wrote this after my 17th birthday and I'm 23 now... and still listening to Disney love songs! ;D)

97. I still watch Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. (Okay, this is a lie. I have too many other shows to watch, haha! But I would if I had the time; that's the whole point, haha!)

98. My favorite Disney character is Mickey Mouse and my favorite Disney Princess is Belle.

99. I still obsess over the tv shows of my childhood (such as All That, The Amanda Show, Lizzie McGuire, Sister, Sister, That's So Raven, Blues Clues, Rocket Power, etc.).

100. I'm beyond happy that I've reached 100 facts.

101. I really hope 2017 continues to be a good year. (It's been a pretty good year for me, not so much for the world...)

102. On January 31, 2012, I watched an episode of Glee titled Michael. All of my friends watched Glee and I just refused to watch it for so long...then I fell in love. Sure, some things bugged me, but overall the show was pretty good. And now it's over :(

103. (This one has to do with Glee, but I wanted to give it it's own number ;D) I "ship" (verb) Kurt/Blaine (Klaine) harder than I've ever shipped anything in my life. My next biggest ship is Gallavich (Ian Gallagher and Mickey Milkovich on Shameless; up to season 5, then f*ck whatever Shameless is doing), then Nick and Jess from New Girl, and forever and always Mondler (Monica and Chandler) and Rachel/Ross from Friends.

104. Growing up I've struggled with my religion. Being raised as a Catholic meant that the Church did not believe in abortion and homosexuality.

105. I am pro-choice.

106. I am pro-gay rights.

107. You can see the issue, can't you? I love Jesus Christ, but I have come to believe that He loves ALL of us, and if I am going to Hell just because I believe that women should be able to make their own choices about their bodies and because I believe in love, then He is not who I think He is.

108. Quick quip on politics: I used to identify as a Moderate, but more and more I find myself identifying as a Democrat. (Although it might have something to do with the absolutely disgraceful and disgusting Republicans in our government.) (It's two years after I wrote the last parenthetical statement and holy moly am I a Democrat, hahahaha!)

109. My high school's marching band won Bands of America Grand National Championships in 2008, 2009, and 2010, and got second place in 2007 and 2011.

110. Because of this great accomplishment, they were invited to perform in the 2012 Rose Bowl. They were the first marching band (college and high school) to not have to audition for the Parade.

111. My high school's drumline got to perform with Madonna during the 2012 Super Bowl Halftime Show during Like A Prayer. Also, three other guys that go to my high school were gladiators during the Halftime Show.

112. On Super Bowl Sunday, February 5th, 2012 (also my birthday!) Justin Bieber was shopping at Hot Topic at the mall two miles from my house. And throughout the week before the Super Bowl, TONS of celebrities were eating, shopping, hanging out it the surrounding towns where I live. You gotta love having the Super Bowl fifteen minutes from your house :P

113. This is the first fact I've added in approximately three years. Oops! I guess I'm not that exciting xD

114. This is the first fact I've written in approximately two years, five years since Fact #112... But it's a big one. After years of self-discovery, I can officially say that I identify as bisexual. (Please see Fact #95 for A+ foreshadowing, and while you're at it, please add girlfriend to Fact #72.)

114. If you read all of this, you must be important to me.

115. Oh yeah. And my name is Katelyn :]
November 19th, 2008 at 10:38pm