
Mars is laughing at us, and a meteor is like 'well..fuck that'. xDDD

anywayssssssssssssssssss, if you've seen that video, you're the COOLEST person in my book. and my book is particularly darn amazing. anywho, the point is, i'm exhausted from soccer conditioning. Also, my life has taken an almost 360 at the moment. more like a 250, ahhahah. everything is pretty good at the moment. my friends are great, school is great, and yeah.. relationship;;SINGLE. hahhaa, stillllll. unfortunately. DD: **tear**

at the moment;
sick to my stomach. watching NCIS. have to pee. texting alyssa and victoria. tired, and smell bad. kinda cold. trying to find voice lessons in my area. thinking about getting up to go get cereal. wondering if my relationship status will also take a 360. hopefully my mental self iimage will improve..ALOT. and that's about it.

talk to me.
November 20th, 2008 at 01:27am