Will you drink the Kool-Aid?

First of all

Read This


did you read it? did you?

I don't believe you. Go back and read it. Its interesting.


Now, look at what happened there. If you're not familiar with what happens, cause i think that article assumes you do, This man, Jim Jones, amassed hundreds of followers, and then made them all drink "Kool Aid" that was poisioned. mass suicide.

And how could he do that?

Apparently because of he was such a good orator. Words. Speech. This man made 900 people knowingly kill themselves, just because of his skill and prowess with speaking.

Now, i see a parallel in history right now.

Name someone else who has inspired millions with his powerful speaking skills.


Now, i'm not saying Barack Obama is going to suggest that we all kill ourselves, but i think that the man could suggest the most ridiculous thing we've ever heard, and the majority of you would take it as infallible.

What if you're wrong? What if he turns out to want to change this country into something else completely. What if he wanted to go totalitarian? These are just "what ifs"

But what if he declared himself supreme ruler of the US for life, and changed the US's name to Obamaland?

Would you trust him just because he told you about his new idea in a fancy speech that made people cry?

That article demonstrates the power of good speakers and just how susceptible so many people are to indoctrination.

I'm not saying that all of you are like this, and those of you who have good solid reasons for supporting the president elect, I applaud you for not just blindly following.

I just hope that people nowadays have the insight to look beyond one's majestic orations and look at who the person is, what he stands for, and actually what he's saying and not how he's saying it.

If the time comes when you are asked to drink the Kool-Aid, will you drink it?

p.s. i just added updates to my journals Stop Being so Hateful, and Why You're Wrong About Global Warming

also, my Hitler Obama comparison journal is now open to comments.


November 20th, 2008 at 02:32pm