Its time I got something off my chest

Yeah thanks everyone, thanks to you guys (they should know who they are) you managed to make me feel worthless again. Why this time? Some joke to find out if I was Bi or not, why not just ask? It’s not like I’d snap or remain silent. But now, now it’s humiliating everywhere I go; everywhere I go people mock me because of this. I got the blame for it too, I didn’t even announce it, I wouldn’t and I couldn’t do that to someone.

As for the guy who keeps repeatedly reminding me he doesn’t trust me anymore, thanks that’s like a stab in the chest. It’s that blunt, that harsh it hurts. I know you have your reasons, but how was I supposed to know you ever trusted me. This blog your eyes will probably see as ‘pathetic’ but in mine it’s a way of letting thoughts and feelings out before you take them out on people again.

Yeah alright I shouldn’t have done and said what I did, but you know why I did and said those things right? You must do by now, after all you keep reminding me how smart you are. Yeah there’s something else that hurts sometimes. I thought no-one could hurt me through words anymore; somehow you managed it, I mean some people can do that to. But telling someone constantly you don’t trust them that would hurt most people on the receiving end.

How was I supposed to know anything when you pushed me away? How am I supposed to know anything when you’re still slowly pushing, not as much but you are slowly. Also, when people ask what’s wrong (yes I know about the other day,) it’s because they genuinely care, not because they want a laugh at your expense.

I’m sorry if that offends anyone but it feels better to get it off my chest rather than having a dark cloud following me.
November 20th, 2008 at 06:36pm