Jonas Brothers

Do you like the Jonas Brothers? Hate 'em? It doesn't matter either way. Read my Jonas story. Fans of the Jonases might not like it, but those of you that hate them will love it.


I know this is too short, so I'll talk about some other random things for a few minutes.

I made my first signature today! It's a Russell Brand one. Check it out here. It took me a few minutes in Paint and GIMP, but I think that it doesn't look too bad. If you like it and would want me to make a signature for you, message me and I'll see what I can do. I can't make any guarantees.

Also, check out my DeviantArt. Am I a good artist? Or am I just okay?

Pete Wentz had his baby! I don't know how to pronounce its middle name.
November 21st, 2008 at 10:29pm