Twilight was...

.......absolutely amazing. I just got back from seeing it.

I had a little doubt that I was going to be disappointed, but..... I wasn't.

I thought they captured the book so well into a two hour movie.

There were parts that made me laugh and smile, just like the first time I read the book.

Everyone played their role so perfect. They couldn't have found a better group of people that could have pulled off these characters. The only thing I wished they would have done was made the Meadow scene a little longer... but that's it. Everything else was dead on and true to the book. Nothing was off base or confusing.

After reading the partial draft of Midnight Sun (and seeing Edward in such a different perspective then I got from Twilight) I was hoping that I would get that Edward from the movie and Robert Pattinson was so dead on with that. I was really impressed.

So all and all it was a great movie and it was just what I was hoping for and so much more. I'm going to see it again and I've never went and saw a movie in the theaters more then once. That's how good it was.

November 22nd, 2008 at 03:12am