Fancy Moments. Stupid Moments.

Like it says above, here are m FANCY & STUPID MOMENTS.
or moments I have witnessed. =)

“Balls Gone Wild!” - My football team.

“Ball me.” - My football coach.

“Chubba-bubba!” - belle

“Maria, why don’t you check the back of my trunk?” - My football coach talking to my friend Maria.

“ I don’t hit nor hurt people with my pink water bottle while I’m talking!” ..and this is the cue where the strap of her water bottle breaks,since every word that came out of her mouth she'd start playing around with her pink water bottle without noticing, yet again... and hit this innocent girl. “ok. Shit. Never mind. MY BOTTLE BROKE!” Maria runs after the water bottle and I don’t even think my friend maria even apologized to the poor innocent girl. =(

Lola: “ Oh my god! Look at those waves! “
Everyone: “…riiiiiiight.”

Alex: “ was passiert wenn eine Nonne ‘nen Buddhisten trifft?
Hazel: “ Keine Ahnunng, sagt “Hallo!” ?

English version:
Alex: “what happens when a nun meets a Buddhist?
Hazel: “No idea, says “Hello!”?


Hazel: “is he good looking?”
Britney: “yeah, from far!”

Hazel: “er sieht gut aus, wenn du ihm nicht ins Gesicht guckst!”

English version: “He looks good when you don’t look at his face!”

Lola: “Boah Nikki! Er ist so HAESSLICH!”

Lola: “ohhhhhhhh!!!! CRASH & BURRRRRRN!”
Alex: “bu-“
Lola: “Don’t talk!”
Alex: “wha-“
Lola: “no!”
Alex: “wel-”
Lola: “nope!”
Alex: “fine,-“ *looks at Lola*
Lola: *gives him a long, ice cold stare…*
Alex: *Alex quickly shuts up*
Lola: *satisfied smile*

Sarsi pointing at a retarded, stumbling cat:
"Oh my god! It's giving birth!"

Danny randomly in class..
Danny: "Max! Have you seen "the Comended"? with Steve Austin..?"
Max: .......
Someone: "Uhmm.. Do you mean "the Condemned" with Steve Austin?"
Danny: "Yeah.. Same Shit"

Someone: "Which smart person wrote with Yellow? you can hardly see it!"
Max: "......... it's GOLD!"

Tyler: "Yeah, hello? Do you still deliver even if its stormy? "

Karin: Who wants to see the dead pig in my kitcheeeen?
Hazel: I'm a wannabe vegetarian.

Nikki and Lola lying down on this big boat.
Nikki all of a sudden stands up and starts screaming " WHERE THE HELL IS HAZEL? IS SHE DEAD? DID SHE DROWN? I DON'T SEE HE-"
Hazel stands up from where she was lying down and goes: "Nikki, shut up! i'm trying to get sun-kissed damn it!"

{more to add another time}

P.S. These are just a few memorable Stories haha =)
Just felt like listing them up.
November 22nd, 2008 at 09:52am