Jasper's hair is just...wow.

Yes, it's another Twilight movie journal.

I went to see it last night with Bay and Spenc. We walk in the movie theater, and I swear on all that is holy, the population was 99.8 percent girls. Mind you, 12 year old girls. Maybe 10 guys? Parents were there. So that had to be proof. My friends and I were almost the only teens pushing 16 - 17. Anyways.
Yes, I loved the movie. But, there were some parts that bothered me. I will not say which ones, 'cause I'm not sure who has seen it. Overall, AMAZING in my book. It was funny, and I wasn't expecting comedy but it fit in. When Edward and Bella started making out, this guy yelled "SCORE!" and it was perfect timing. The entire theater was laughing throughout the scene.

JASPER'S HAIR....the hell? It was all up and...curly and...see, I can't describe it, and his face just made him look like a crazed person. Excuse me. Vampire.

My favorite scene? Vampire baseball. My face lit up when "Supermassive Black Hole" came on. Plus, the vamp fight scene in the ballet studio. Wow. I am going to be a complete fangirl and say that James was freakin' hot for a human killer. Like, whoa.

Ah, I'll leave. I just had to get that out. My rating? 9/10. Go see it.
...Like, right now.
November 22nd, 2008 at 06:33pm