This is for people who read and liked my story! i dont want stupid comments being mean and using profanity! So if you hadnt read my story dont read this journal unless ur planning to read it! also you are warned! my story is a JB story! so if you dont like them dont bother!

-Amber's speach from her birthday party- uncut with no disturbances- not read in Ambers POV. extras added! From my story My Super Sweet Sixteen !
Chapter 11- Speach! Speach! SPEACH!

" I'd like to thank you all for coming even myself cause if i did'nt i would'nt have learned such a valuable lesson from a new but special friend of mine." To tell you the truth I spent most of this evening crying, all i really wanted was a quite dinner party."
" But when i came here tonight i was upset about that and i thought everyone would think I was spoiled. i just didnt realize that the fact that i was complaining over a stupid party made me even more of a spoiled brat! So i had a chat with a very special friend of mine who cheered me up more than he knows and he told me 5 simple words that made the whole night better ''who cares what they think?!''' "
" And it was true I should'nt care what people think of me as long as im happy"
"This party has been more then successful, and i am happy for that!"
" So Ive decide to not care what anyone thinks about me! Earlier this evening I heard to girls, which i wont mention their names, call me a spoiled brat!
*cough- Rachel and Jen- cough* and at that moment I cried my eyes out even harder but if that happened now i'd throw my head back and laugh and we should all learn to do that. and not care what anybody thinks about you. Always hold ur head up high, like your Donald Tussel! Right Dad! * wink*
And to my Dad im sorry for acting like a real spoiled brat, and crying for not getting a stupid dinner!"
So id like to say thanks to my dad for not listening to me and doing this whole thing, my mom for loving me, my sister cause i love her, my 3 best friends, everyone who supported me by coming to this party even Rachel and Jen the girls who came but still talked behind my back..." " And finally i'd like to thank my special friend who helped lift my spirits when I was down"

"So thanks to all and I hope you enjoy whats left of this!" So every one LETS' PARTY!
November 23rd, 2008 at 05:42pm