Survey Whatchamacallit

[] You go tanning.
[] You own a cell phone.
[] You own something from Coach.
[] You own something from Chanel.
[] You own something from Juicy Couture.
[] You own something from Louis Vuitton.
[x] You love/like going to the mall.
[] You own an iPod/MP3 player.
[] You love Starbucks.
[x] You have been called a brat.
[] You have tons of shoes.
[]You hate buying things that are on sale.
[] You have more than one house
Total: 2

[x] Black is one of your favorite colors.
[x] You have thought about death.
[] You wear chains.
[] You like heavy metal.
[x] You've shopped at Hot Topic
[] You have worn black lipstick
[x] Your hair was/is dark.
[x] You dislike preps.
[x] You're an atheist/Satanist.
[x] You have/want piercings.
Total: 7

[] You can skateboard.
[x] You wear plaid.
[x] You like Converse.
[x] You hate MTV.
[x] You have/had/want blue, pink, red, purple, or green hair.
[] You love/like skater boys
[x] You dislike pink.
[x] You hate preps.
[x] You wear/wore skateboarding shoes.

Total: 7

[x] You love the computer.
[x] You like Star Wars.
[x] You are supposed to/wore/wear glasses.
[x] You get straight A's.
[x] You love/like reading.
[] You were/are in band.
[x] You don't care what you look like.
[] You have a curfew.
[x] You always do your homework.
[]You never miss school unless your sick.
Total: 7

[x] You are depressed sometimes.
[x] You have/had black-rimmed glasses.
[x] You like the band Thursday.
[] You cry easily.
[x] You like emo music.
[x] You hate being called emo.
[x] You keep/kept a journal/diary.
[] You have written a sad poem.
[] You have/had a sad MySpace/Friendster layout.
[] You think emo kids are hot.

Total: 6 (NOOOO!!!)

[] You like rap
[] You are in a gang
[] You wear rubber bands in your pants. (What?!?)
[x] You swear a lot
[] You have/had a freestyle battle.
[] You have worn converse with the tongue flipped out.
Total: 1

[x] You like loud music.
[x] You love the Ninja Turtles
[] You never walk anywhere.
[x] You wear slip-on shoes. (They're cute. What can I say?)
[] You love Norma Jean.
[x] You wear band t-shirts
[x]People have called you a freak and meant it.
[] “Hardcore” dance.
[] Your hair has been dyed more than one color.
[x] You wear blue jeans.
Total: 6 (Wtf is hardcore, anyway?)

[x] You love The OC.
[x] You have/want/had a tiny/medium sized dog
[x] Your usual outfits consist of bright colors.
[x] You like buying shoes.
[] You shop at American Eagle.
[x] You love jeans.
[] You love Paris Hilton.
[] Getting your nails done is a fun thing.
[] You wear big sunglasses.
[x] You wear more than one accessory.
Total: 6

[] You watch the Superbowl.
[] You own track shoes or other sports related shoes.
[] You collect your/others jerseys.
[] You have/had had a special shelf for trophies and awards.
[] You have posters or plaques of famous athletes.
[] Your garage/shed consists of sports equipment.
[] You belong/belonged to a school team.
[] You are going/did go to a sports summer camp.
[] You have a specific number preferred for your jersey.
Total: 0 (YES!)

[x] You drink a lot of tea
[] You know what a brolly is
[] Deal or No Deal has taken over your life
[] You wanted Ben to win X Factor
[x] You use the word "bugger" or the phrase "bloody hell"
[x] Fish and Chips are yummy
[x] You can eat a Full English Breakfast
[x] You dislike EMOS!
[x] It's football...not soccer
Total: 6 (YES!!!)

[x] You wear flip flops all year
[x] You call flip flops thongs not flip flops
[x] You love a backyard Barbie
[x] You know a Barbie is not just a doll
[] You love the beach
[x] Sometimes you swear without realizing
[] You're a sports fanatic
[x] You are tanned
[] You're a bit of a bogan
[x] You have an Australian something (Book about Australia, from Australia)
Total: 7

[x] The Sopranos is a great show.
[] Your last name ends in a vowel.
[x] Your grandmother makes/made her own sauces.
[x] You know how a real meatball tastes like.
[x] You know Italian songs.
[x] You have dark hair and dark eye color (Brown and dark blue)
[x] You speak some Italian
[x] You are under 5'10''.
[x] Pizza/spaghetti is the best food in the world
[x] You talk with your hands.
Total: 9 (LAWL)

[] You say member instead of remember
[x]You speak Spanish or some
[x] You like tacos
[] You like Chihuahuas
[] You are dark skinned
[] You know what a Pita is.
[x] You talk fast occasionally. (All the time)
[x] You have had highlights or dyed your hair.
[] You know what platanos are.
Total: 4

[] You say villain as: Vee-lon
[x] You get short tempered
[] You know of somebody named Natasha
[x] You get cold easily
[x] Rain is fun for you.
[] You get into contests all the time
[] You can easily make do with the cold weather
Total: 3

[x] You like to drink
[x] You have a bad temper.
[]Your last name starts with a Mc OR Murph or O' or Fitz or ends with a ley, on, un, an, ins, ry, ly, y.
[] You have blue or green eyes.
[] You like the color green.
[] You have a family member from Ireland
[] You have blonde hair
[] You have/had freckles
[]Your family get togethers always include drinking and/or singing
Total: 2

[] You have slanty/small eyes
[x] You like rice a lot
[] You are good at math. (HAHAHA no)
[] You have played the piano
[] You have family from Asia
[] You laugh sometimes covering your mouth
[] Most people think you're chinese
[] You call hurricanes typhoons
[] You go to Baulko
Total: 1

[x] You like bread
[x] You think American Chocolate is good
[x]You Speak some German
[] You listen to Rammstein
[x] You went to Pre-school.
[x] You're over 5'2"
Total: 5

[] You like/play/played hockey
[x] You like beer
[x] You say eh
[] You know what poutine is
[] You speak some French
[] You love Tim Horton's
[x] At one point you lived in a farm house
[] You watch/watched degrassi
Total: 3

[] Hate foreigners
[] Hate non-Christians
[x] Lazy
[] Not cultured
[] Love McDonalds
[] Love American Idol
[] Don't read
[] Shop at Target
Total: 1

Italians ftw!
November 23rd, 2008 at 07:44pm