Hey there ;)

So I've just worte some lyrics and stuff and have a but of melody that could work (no chords yet but hey =P) and I thought I'd talk about it here 'cause I've never actualy posted in Mibba. I really should. I'm working on a few things at the moment so I will soon become a more helpful member of the Mibba community and actualy write not just read =P I doubt anyone will like my stuff (or even read it for that matter) but it would be nice if they did. People can't read it if I never post it. So I am now making a promise. I promise that by 2009 I shall have a minimum of 20 post on one story. and hey who knows, if I'm suddenly inspired then I may just do more =P

Well enough of my pointless rambling.

November 24th, 2008 at 12:13am