New story scene I dreamed of

She was standing in the middle of a circle of fire.All four of her enemies stodd on the outside waiting for their next move.Aurora was breathing in and bout deeply feeling the power build up on her body.As she did that, the fire rose higher into the air.Anger filled her body.
Her surroundings were still.As if someone coundted to three, her enemies all at once plunged at her trying to jump over the fire.At that same minute.he inhaled a breath of power and let out a burst of energy as she screamed.And the fire turned green around her while it pushed out from her taking the enemies with it.The fire extinguished and her enemies were laying on the ground around her, with their bodies burt as if they just came back from the fires of hell.They moaned and sobed.Aurora just walked past them into the forest.
November 26th, 2008 at 02:37pm