Pops Concert

Well, the annual MHS Pops concert is coming up this spring, and I'm already getting ready. Our winter concert hasn't even happened yet! I'm so lame.

The theme is: Disney songs! Yes, that means the Classic Cartoons. Think Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, all those lovely movies. It's gonna rock. It's gonna roll. It's gonna bring in more money than Lyn-Z in a strip club.

Now here's the best part: Every year, there's a few solo oppotunites. And that means FULL SONGS! And I think IO at least have a shot. So send in your suggestions for Classic Cartoon Disney songs I could sing. If you're musically inclined, I'm a mezzo-soprano, so if you could find a song that would sound good in that voice part, that'd be great.

Thanks in advance,
November 27th, 2008 at 02:53am