Giving Thanks: THE BLOG.

It's that time of year again! The time for friends and family to gather, fight, get sick of eachother, stuff themselves with food, and then depart. But really, it's the time of year to give thanks for the things we have. Of which, I have made a list.

-I am thankful for my cute little car, Delaney. She may need an oil change, and be a little rusty, and I'm sure sooner or later here something will go wrong with her, but I can not imagine life without her. She gets me from A to B, and provides me much joy along the way.

-I am thankful for my assorted electronics; my nameless laptop, which I probably couldn't live without, my awesome little phone, Rico Suave, which it has been proven is important to my exsistance, and my amazing IPod, Baraka, which I really shouldn't have bought, but don't regret for an instant.

-I am thankful for Barak Obama getting named the next president.

-I am thankful for my job, shitty as it is, and as much as I complain about it (because its a really bad job), I still need it, and to have it is something to be grateful for.

-I am thankful for the many experiences I've had this year. Meeting Andrew McMahon, going to multiple amazing shows, getting locked out of Christina's sisters, getting kicked out, going to Florida, all my kittens (even if there are way to many cats in that house, they are still cute) and other, less recent events that made this year something really special.

-I am (most importantly) thankful for my friends. Bekah, Liz, Kaulah, Christina, Daina, Allen, Amanda, Jenna, Best friend Aley, Catie and anyone else not mentioned (you probably deserve to be). My friends make life worth living, make everything a little brighter, and make me happier than a fish in the water.

-Last but not least, at all, in the slightest, I am thankful for my family. Or, families, as it seems I have multiple. I am thankful for my crazy mother. She may be a little wack-o, but she still gave birth to me, and I have to love her in some way, she is my mother. I am thankful for my cocky, weird teenage brothers, who I love to death and would not trade for anything. I am thankful for my dad, who taught me most of what I know about life today, and who is one of my greatest influences. And my stepmother, who I never really got along with, but I'm learning to find a way to deal. She's kinder to me now, and she makes my dad happy, which is good enough for me. And I'm thankful for the Leitch's. Without them, I'd be living out of my car right now. They took me in when I had no where to go, and made me feel welcomed. I'm thankful for Liz, who's on my same wavelength, and is really like my slightly older sister, but without the whole blood relation thing.

This years list is pretty long, and I'm really thankful that I have so much to be thankful for.=]
November 27th, 2008 at 08:44am