End of the World, 2012?

Maybe you've look into this. Maybe you havn't. Maybe you've heard of it. Maybe you havn't.


Albert Einstein said. "If the Honeybees just disapeared, our world would end in four years"
He lived in the late 1800's and early 1900's.
Did he know this was going to happen?

Honeybees are disapearing. Since 2008. CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder), We don't know why there going away, but more then 50% of them are gone. There becoming extinct.

So...eight plus four equals tweleve. 2012. Apprently we'd be all dead.
Never has this date been so popular. December 21 2008

The Mayans calender ends in December 21 2012.

Nostradamus speaks of a devastating asteroid

The Chinese "I Ching" predicts end of history.

The Bible fortells of the coming apocalypse

NASA confirms intense solar storms are comming

Earth will complete it's 26,000 year wobble.

Is the a new beggining or the end?

I believe this is a new begging for the human race, for the earth.

What do you believe?
November 27th, 2008 at 10:31pm