why is it that your nose runs and your feet smell? ;)

well yet again i have a bloody cold. ¬¬
i swear they are all out to get me.
Actually i blame PE because we had to do play ui-hoc outside in the freezing cold.
Not amused.
I hate colds they are worse than most things.
I'm also very tired.
and i have to do my history coursework
i have just less than a week to do that.

¬¬ i couldve been at a party right now.
But no. I decided not to go because i hardly knew anyone there
[well actually thats a lie. i know about half the people going, if not more]
plus my ex is going. and i dont think he wants to see me tbh.

And i've realised
everybody else on here seems to have mibba friends, like friends that they met on mibba
I'm such a loser i have none ):
i just have my friends from school that have mibba, whom i shall say i lovely dearly.
anybody wanna be my friend?
i dont bite.
well ignore the fact i bit lorna yesterday.
i dont bite (:

yes people i am going to se bring me the horizon and mindless self indulgence on 17th january in cardiff, kerrang! tour ftw
i am so unbelievably excited.
And my friend just told me that Dir En Grey are playing aswell
not really too fond of them but hey, whatever.
Im so excited =D
November 28th, 2008 at 10:33pm