The old me resurfaced and these scars are what I have to show for it.

I posted that journal entry yesterday and thought "remember when I had that other LiveJournal?" In thinking that I opened up a new tab and went to the old journal just to see if I had deleted it or not. Turns out I hadn't. The old journal had a lot of journal entrys in it too. So I went to the very first post and read through them all, there was over 40 entries too. After reading them I remembered all of these things I had forgotten about. The time I cried in math class, my very first meeting with my guidance conselur, the very first time I wore black makeup... everything was just wow. I even had an entry of the very first time I cut. It was just so weird for me to go through and relive all this old shit. It made the old me resurface and how much of a smartass I was then.

It was just weird. ( <<the URL for any jackass who wants to read it and complain to me how stupid I was, oh, and by the way... I KNOW!) I remembered my old friends and all the fun I used to have, how amazed I was to understand something in engineering, and just everything. Even the time I tripped up the stairs, then scared Brad with my makeup. SO AWESOME!
November 29th, 2008 at 10:58pm