Meaning of Life...

A few years ago, right after my brother's horse died, my friend and I were talking. The first thing she asked me was if i had a choice to go back in time to the moment where we bought Target, would I still buy him, knowing that he would die. I said yes, I'd still want the awesome good times with him. She didn't understand at all.

The other thing we talked about was the meaning of life. This is what we came up with: there really is no meaning of life, because nothing here is important. It may feel important at the time, but everything dies, thus making nothing important. For example, a horse has no reason to be here, while they are a great source of love and entertainment, it's not like God goes, "I'm going to put this horse here for this kid so that this kid can be happy and help thousands of other people." No, the horse just happens to be there and the kid chooses whether or not they want that horse. God doesn't make them, so in reality, neither the kid nor the horse or here for a reason. They may do great things in their lives, but God is not going to put that kid on earth to help thousands of people. The kid does it on their own. They have no reason to be here. And if people have no reason to be here Earth has no reason to be here which means the universe has no reason to be here. Basically, we're all going to die so you might as well enjoy it while you can. Kinda depressing i guess
May 2nd, 2007 at 10:54pm