Help me out?

Hey guys! I was wondering if anybody would like to show up and be the girlfriends/ soulmates of the remaining boys? (remaing boys being Zacky Jimmy and Johnny)

All I need is name (first middle and last pleasee), age (if a vampire both looks like and actual age), hometown,and a picture of what she looks like. You will be put into my summery and will be an active character in my story through its entirety. (Cuz soul mates are foreverrr :] )

I know it's sort of predictable for the boys all to get their soul mates around the same time, but im not promising you will be into my story immediately, i am going to space the entering of the girls out so it does not seem unorigional.

First come, first serve basis girlies ;]
November 30th, 2008 at 07:25am