Going away

This is it, I've decided to move away. I know it's a big step, and I know how much I would like to think I'm ready but in reality I'm not, not even close. I say my parents are attached to me hence why I can't leave. That's not true and I'll admit I'm lying I'm just as attached as they are. It's just easier to blame them.

So this is what I did the first step to moving away.

I sent a University an e-mail asking for more information about their Psychology/Journalism program. It doesn't seem like a big deal because it's not like I packed my bags and bought my bus ticket.

This is a big deal, because getting information about a place is the first step. Now all I have to do it apply, get accepted, and tell my parents. In that order, I don't want to shake the boat if I don't apply or get accepted. And by the time I say I'm already accepted they won't put up a fight or guilt trip me this is something I want to do, and I'm doing it for me.

I'm being selfish and it's scary but I'm going to do it.

In 4-6 weeks I get my package from the University, I can't wait, it's like a New Years present.
November 30th, 2008 at 07:54pm