Dance You Sexy Devil


Here I am, on this strange site that I'm going to get used to after a few months...weeks...days...hours...minutes...seconds... okay, I've got the hang of it now.

I think it's about time I've left that bureaucratic psycho-hell called Quizilla. It used to be so great before all of those conservative freaks went and ripped it of it's glory. It was for the preteen crowd anyway. [Plus people were getting credit for being such 'great writers' when my senile cat could of created a better piece then "LOL, and emma like throo her like hare ribone doun da whell! OMG"] It makes me want to just throw up trying to imitate their language. Ugh.

So... Mibba seems pretty decent. The rules are pretty hardcore but they're reasonable. I get that. Hopefully they will maintain a corruption-free site and do a good job. I'm hoping so, since it took me forever just to find a site remotely similar to Quizilla, and here we are.

I'll work on finding some good starters for the site. Maybe I'll just throw a quick little poem together.


November 30th, 2008 at 08:24pm