
How can he do this?
Move on like nothing happened between us? How can he have the guts to talk to me after what he has put me though, I don't see how he can love someone and then not love them.
everything that we shared together was something that made me feel warm and loved when i thought about him, He used to make me happy and he used to make me smile, but now all he does is hurt me and use me, He comes back when no one is paying any attention to him, I shouldn't put myself through this, why should i have to be the one picking up the pieces for him when he broke it in the first place, i don't get what goes through a boys mind, what are they thinking? Do they purposely want to hurt us in every single way? I feel ashamed to have been in love with him, But the thing is I do still love him
November 30th, 2008 at 09:06pm