Miley Cyrus

I admit I'm not a big fan of Miley but in a way I feel bad for her because people keep trashing her, and saying thing behind her back. I think the reason why she hasn't been the best role model is because of her friend Mandy, and maybe Nick too because they used to be boyfriend and Girlfirend and when he broke up with her she seemed really upset and sort of messed up. One thing though is I remember I saw something where her father wrote like "people have been saying bad things about Miley behind her back and some people are pretending to be her friend when they really aren't" and that made me feel bad for Miley because it's probably not easy being a famous person but when people critize you it makes youreally upset. Yeah I don't really like Miley too much but I feel bad for her by the way people have been treating her.
November 30th, 2008 at 09:15pm